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Estampados Divitex was created on December 8, 1987 with 2 people in Medellín;  in order to provide text printing services.  Now, Estampados Divitex has established itself as a leading company in the textile sector with more than 120 people , categorized as the largest localized type stamping company in Antioquia.


We provide garment customization services with exceptional quality , due to our high-tech processes, replicable over time, and high volume of production and fulfillment.

Our services generate added value to the garments, together with a social work , providing opportunities to those who do not have work experience, or a specialized study; supporting mothers who are heads of households and single fathers at home; counting on special support throughout their work process.

Our sense
It is the first job for 30% of our employees.
Helping them get their first legal job to gain experience.
We have a broad female potential making part of more than 65% of the total of our collaborators.
40% of our employees have mothers who are heads of the family.  His family depends on his work and effort.
Fulfilling dreams of those who make your clothes

Con mas de 35 años de trayectoria, Divitex nace con la misión de crear un entorno empresarial textil, que brindara la mejor oportunidad de crecimiento personal, económico y cultural para las personas que hicieran parte de nuestro equipo.​

Ahora, Estampados Divitex se ha consolidado como la empresa líder en el sector de estampación textil de mayor confianza con mas de 135 personas, categorizada como la compañía mas grande de Antioquia en el servicio de estampación localizada por prenda.

Our production plant
We have an installed capacity to produce
45,000 Prints
per day
We have the support  
of over
130 Employees
on average in the year
We work with the best textile stamping machines and Digital Sublimation, using the latest technology .
We have a
quality percentage  average year  99.1%
Our Design area
We have an ideal design team with extensive experience in the textile sector,  to be able to reproduce your designs in the best way in the production system.
Thanks to more than 33 years of experience we achieve colors and better quality designs with  greater equality between screen design and stamping.
Empresa de Estampados en Medellín DIVITEX.png
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