Textile Stamping
Printing by means of serigraphy or "screen".
With capacity to stamp up to 7 Colors in plastisol and 10 in textile pigments water base per piece.
Organizational infrastructure and advanced machinery, to develop your prints with the highest quality.

(Direct to film)
Con la impresión en DTF sobre textiles puedes crear diseños únicos tal cual como los ves en digital.
Imprimimos tus diseños en DTF y los adherimos al calor en las prendas que desees.

Sticking from
The shape you want to make with the stones you choose, we adhere them to your garments by means of heat.

Laser cut
We have a technique which we call dual purpose, which consists of adhering one fabric to another.
Of which, one of them or both, can be processed by means of laser cutting, where the desired shape is made and then of adhere by heat to the garment.